Online Activism
What is online activism and how does it relate to digital leadership? Online activism is a way of using the internet to communicate issues going on in the world. It allows for individuals to also spreat information to others who could possibly have the same interests. With that being said, this can relate to digital leadership because they are both influencing things over the internet, specifically an important change in the world.
I believe that there can be a number of important changes we can achieve from our mobile devices or behind a keyboard.. A lot of fundraisers, such as GoFundMe, protests, petitions and many other events are communicated through the internet and has ultimately made a huge impact on multiple people. The internet is such a useful tool to make a difference in the community and world. It is the quickest and most effective way to spread information to people who may not know without the internet.
One example on online activism is #BlackLivesMatter. This was a movement created after the murder of George Floyd and was spread immensely throughout the internet within a matter of hours. There is now a huge movement that helps spread the awareness about individuals who are being or have been treated unfairly due to there race. Ultimately, Black Lives Matter has created a huge platform that has spread so much awareness and change throughout the internet.